Flaws, Life, Love, Smile

” Your flaws are perfect for the person who’s meant to love you”

I was brainstorming about what to write in this blog and a friend of mine asked me to write on this guy i like, a guy who cares for me , who gives me reasons to laugh even when i’m not capable of being able to smile (we aren’t dating 😛 ) .
But nah! i think ill just write about the friend. I wanted to dedicate at least one post for this great friend of mine. 🙂 This friend of mine is a very special one- as special as the nutella that is always on my table. (that’s a lot special i shouldn’t be giving him so much importance) 😛 Its been just few months i have known him but one thing i know very well is that he has always been there for me and always will ! 🙂 A friend like him is a rare one to find. (one in a billion as you call it, or a pearl in the ocean..i’m acting like i love him. No i don’t. :P )  🙂 i call him “A2S”. A story that’s better understood only b/w us two. xD
If you are reading, i know you are (cause you are always my first reader. 😥 ) Don’t be flattered!! I don’t love you and all!! You are the best best “guy” friend i ve ever met ( not even “he” is as sweet as you. :3 )
And this friend loves this girl – who according to “people” is not perfect for him. But for him she is his world. They are the cutest couple! She is perfect for him with all her flaws, imperfections, insecurities and all her stupidities. 😛
And the main thing i realized was that- “its all about how your perceive a person” . If a person in your mind is “bad” then no matter how good they are to you, you always end up taking the wrong side of things. You don’t need to “be” perfect for anyone, be yourself and one who sees you with all your flaws is the one who needs to be in your life.  The world is one big mirror, If you look at  it with love- it shows the same image of love, and if you look at it with hate- it shows the image of hate. 🙂 
Look at the world with love and trust me – the world is gonna look back at you with double the amount of love!!
Hope you enjoyed the post! Keep smiling!! Are you ready to change your perception of the world?  🙂 

A collection of flaws make beauty- just the way a collection of stars make a constellation “

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